Houston, We Have a Problem

Know when it’s time to look for an archive alternative.

Slow performance

Over time, as years and years of backed-up emails accumulate, the backend SQL database slows down, indexes become corrupt, causing searches to get bogged down and produce inconsistent and incomplete results.

Lack of support

Old email archives simply can’t scale to meet the needs and regulatory demands of the modern workplace. As a result, they gradually phase-out software updates and eventually, drop support altogether, exposing customers to potential data breaches.

High Cost

At some point, the cost of managing your email archive outweighs its value. To make matters worse, some vendors store archived data in a proprietary format and charge exorbitant fees to extract the data, making the switch to an alternative solution difficult.

Break Free From the Risk and Excessive Cost of Using an Aging Archive

Key questions to answer before making the move.

Archive more than email?

Email isn’t the only form of communication, nor is it the only type of data that needs to be managed. If you need to manage more than just email data, consider archives that accommodate all types of data from all types of systems.  

How much control is needed?

The Cloud offers a more scalable and extensible platform for managing your ever-increasing volume of data as well as many security options. You will need to decide who you are most comfortable with setting and managing your data security policies and processes – your security team or a third-party vendor.

Can data compliance & integrity be assured?

When planning an archive migration, it’s essential to verify that the migration of your current archived data can be completed without damaging chain of custody or impacting your day-to-day operations and that your legal and other personnel have appropriate access to historical data for eDiscovery, FOIA and business intelligence purposes.

Not All Cloud-Based Email and Data Archives Are the Same

Multi-tenant SaaS vs. a Dedicated SaaS archive

Features Multi-Tenant SaaS Archive360
Almost unlimited data ingestion and search performance scalability*
You have complete control over where your data is stored
Store and restore archived data in its native format
Complete control over infrastructure (e.g. – firewall rules, IP whitelist, etc.) and application security protocols
Role- and Attribute- Based Access Controls (e.g. – entitle by case status, IP address, location, etc.) with active directory integration Limited
Automatically redact, anonymize, specific content within files
Complete control over tenant, user, and content encryption keys with ability to store keys in an entirely different location than the data
Archive and manage any data type from any system in, almost, any location Limited
Integration with leading eDiscovery & business analytics tools
Includes eDiscovery case management, case specific notes, custom tags

Think beyond email archiving to unified data governance

Make data compliance and investigations much easier with cross-system visibility and control over data risk, compliance, and cost. 

Find what you need in a single search

One search across AI/ML enriched data from multiple systems – including transcribed audio and video, translated languages, text extracted from images, entities, objects, and sentiment detected in images and video – quickly yields a unified set of relevant results to help accelerate business decisions. 


Gain greater control over your data

Automatically collect and centrally manage all data types (unstructured, structured & semi-structured) no matter the size of the workload since our dedicated SaaS platform gives you greater control over data management costs, search & data onboarding performance, data access/ security, and data compliance policies than other solutions.


Save time, resources, and peace of mind

Give your workforce self-service access to archived data when and where needed and take the manual burden of locating and collecting the data off IT support and record owners. You’ll no longer need to rely on employees to ensure compliance and minimize data risk. Policy-driven data management automatically and consistently takes care of it for you.


Migrate to Archive360’s Unified Data Governance Platform

Get all the benefits of a SaaS archive without sacrificing control of your data.

Accelerate your migration

Our migration tool FastCollect quickly and accurately extracts messages, attachments, or complete journals, including all metadata, directly you’re your archive without the indices, preserving message fidelity, avoiding index issues, and maintaining an item-level audit trail for legally defensible reports.

Save time and money

You choose where to migrate your email archive data. You could migrate inactive user and eDiscovery data to Archive360 and active user data to Microsoft 365. By storing inactive and active user data separately, you’ll accelerate the migration and save your organization legacy email archive, migration, Microsoft 365 licensing, and eDiscovery costs and mitigate your legal and regulatory risks.

Receive expert guidance

Achive360 has successfully completed more than 2,000 migrations, onboarding, securing, and managing more than 150 petabytes of data. There is no need for you to have resources with cloud experience to take advantage of all the control our platform provides. Together with our partners, we offer a range of services tailored to your specific needs.